Plastic Fabrication
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Plastics | near me | Springfield | Illinois | Oakland | Tennessee | Pittsburgh | Pennsylvania | Bohemia | New York | Orlando | Florida | Seabrook | New Hampshire | Moble | Alabama | Warner Robins | Georgia | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Willis | Texas | Seattle | Washington | Bridgton,| Maine | Durango | Colorado | Anaheim | Califronia | Cumberland | Rhode Island | Clearwater | Indianapoli | Indiana | Garden City | Georgia | St. Paul | Milford | Massachusetts | Huntingburg | Morrisvill | North Carolina | Ashley | Warwick | Ipsqich | Taylorsville | Kentucky | Endicott | Southbridge | Oceanside | Fort Calhoun | Nebraska | Tuscan | Arizona | Novi | Alabama | AL | Arizona | AZ | Arkansasa | AR | Little Rock | Montgomery | California | CA| Sacramento | Colorado | CO | Denver | Connecticut | CT | Hartford | Delaware | DE | Dover | Tallahassee | Atlanta | Georgia | Idaho | ID | Boise | Springfield | IL | Indiana | IN | Indianapolis | Iwoa | Des Moines | IA | Kansas | KS | Topeka | Kentucky | KY | Frankfort | Louisiana | LA | Baton Rouge | Maine | ME | Augusta | Maryland | MD | Annapolis | Boston | MA | Lansing | Michigan | MI | St. Paul | Mississippi | MS | Jackson | Missouri | MO | Jefferson City | Montanta | MT | Helena | Nebraska | NE | Lincoln | NEvada | NV | Carson CIty | New Hampshire | NH | Concord | New Jersey | NJ | Trenton | New Mexico | NM | Santa Fe | New York | Albany | NY | North Dakota | ND | Bismarck | Ohio | OH | Columbus | Oklahoma | Oregon | OR | Salem | Pennsylvania | PA | Harrisburg | Providence | RI | South Carolina | SC | Columbia | South Dakota | SD | Pierre | Tennessee | TN | Nashville | Texas | TX | Austin | Utah | UT | Salt Lake CIty | Vermont | VT | Montpelier | Virgina | VA | Richmond | West Virgina | WV | Olympia | Washington | WA | Charlston | WIsconsin | WI | Madison | Wyoming | WY | Cheyenne | Plastics Distribution | Plastic Piping Systems | Acid Waste Systems | Chem Proline | Clear PVC Piping | Double Containtment Systems | THermoplastic PVC | CPVC | Polypropylene | Kynar | TFE | Control Valves | Goosemecl forcets | Flow Meters | Flow Indicators | Heat Exchangers | Custom Fabricated Tanks | Molded Plastic Tanks | Welded Plastic Tanks | No Seam Tanks | Vertical Tanks | Horizontal Tanks | Cone Bottom Tanks | Open Wall Tanks | Containment Basins | Water Tanks | Marine Water Tanks | SPecialty Water Tanks | Pharmaceutical Tanks | Miscellaneous Tanks | Tank Liners | Tank Accessories | Centrifugal Pumps | Magentic Pumps | Immersible Pumps | Double Diaphragm Pumps | PVC Duct Systems | CPVC Duct Systems | Plastic Blowers Nalgene Lab Blowers | Fiberglass Shapes | Grating | Fiberglass Strut Systems | Fusion Machines | PVC CEment | Piping Accessories | Pump Expert | Filter Expert | Tank Expert | Heating & Cooling Expert | Service Expert |

Casework for extreme conditions typically found in trace metal marine labs, or other acid environments using corrosion resistant polypropylene. Products: Standard Wall & Base Cabinets Polypropylene Cabinet with Vented Doors PVC Cabinets with Stainless Steel Pulls Polypropylene Three and Four Drawer Cabinets Polypropylene Cabinets with Recessed Handles Polypropylene Triple Wall Cabinet Fire Retardant Polypropylene Wall Cabinet Customized Cabinets

PVC & CPVC fittings are needed to complete ventilation projects. Products: 45 Degree Elbows 90 Degree Elbows Reducers Couplings End Caps 45 Degree Wye Saddles 90 Degree Tee Saddles 45 Degree Wye Branches 90 Degree Tee Branches Custom Plastic Fabrication Available

Custom fabricated scrubbers are constructed using PVC and polypropylene for corrosion resistance against both acids and alkaline material. Custom Plastic Fabrication Available

Casework for extreme conditions typically found in trace metal marine labs, or other acid environments using corrosion resistant polypropylene. Products: Standard Wall & Base Cabinets Polypropylene Cabinet with Vented Doors PVC Cabinets with Stainless Steel Pulls Polypropylene Three and Four Drawer Cabinets Polypropylene Cabinets with Recessed Handles Polypropylene Triple Wall Cabinet Fire Retardant Polypropylene Wall Cabinet Customized Cabinets
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Chemical Systems Services, Inc. (CSSI)
is a leading custom designer
and manufacturer of plastic environmental control and containment equipment. We specialize in the fabrication of corrosion resistant items using thermoplastic materials such as
Polypropylene, PVC, CPVC, and PVDF
Our experienced staff of chemical engineers and designers has the expertise needed to create a system suited to your specific needs, complying with environmental and safety standards while maximizing your production efficiency and minimizing costs.
"we offer quality workmanship at Competitive Prices"